Thursday, October 14, 2010

Living in Paradise

Does everyone realize that I live in paradise? Well..I never get sick of it to be honest. I ride my bike back and forth from school every day and I am always amazed by the beauty around me. One of my favorite places here to go is Sunset Beach. Its on the north shore about 20 minutes away and it is just beautiful. No wonder its called Sunset because the Sunset there is to die for. I seriously could go there every night and just sit there and watch the beauty around me.
Oh and it helps that its 84 degrees here every day. Its weird that its about Halloween. I still feel like I am in the middle of summer! Its not going to be fun when I have to come home. I can guarantee that I am going to be so sick just from my body going into shock because of how cold it will be in Utah! Ah..I'm not excited for that! 

oh! and guess boy only has 7 1/2 months left! ah time needs to go by faster! 

1 comment:

  1. that sounds so great! wish i could come visit! dang you newly wed budget...
